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When businesses are conceived often the first thing to reach the agenda is the creation of a custom logo design. And why not? The visualisation of a business is incredibly exciting, and a business logo design an important part of that process.

The logo design cannot just be about a pretty picture though.  Often a name won’t say all you need it to convey. And although graphics are a great link and hugely memorable a new business logo design can need a little help to get the message across.  This is where a strapline can be incredibly useful.

A strapline gives a business the opportunity to provide a translation for potential customers. It can covey what the business is about and, importantly, what makes you different from your competitors.  Choose the words carefully to have the most impact. Which words explain what you do? Which differentiate you? Do the words make sense to the audience? Do they also speak in the he language that will resonate with your customers? Will they work with your logo design and make sense to your users?  For example, an established business that uses its heritage to its advantage may want to choose a word like ‘traditional’ that communicates a host of connotations and benefits through a single word.  Equally the word ‘cool’ for a young, vibrant, fashionable business will communication many emotive feelings.

Great examples that communicate the benefit:

Tesco: Every Little Helps. Hidden message of being cost effective and looking after the small things in terms of experience and quality.


L’Oréal: Because you’re worth it. Recognises that the products may be a little more expensive but justifies the cost though making the user feel good about themselves, worth the investment, worth a treat.

With new businesses, it may be more important to focus on the deliverable at the expense of the benefit – getting the message across about the service or product used.  For example:

Greenstone MindGreenStone Mind: Counselling and psychotherapy tailored to your needs

Occasionally a new business may be clever enough to incorporate do both:

Barristone: Fresh coffee your way.  Fresh coffee is the products, tailored to you the benefit.


When creating a custom logo design and strapline it is important to understand what your competitors do.  Have a good look round the market.  Avoid copying a strapline from a competitor.  Also, it may be wise to avoid generic terms like the word ‘solutions’ that doesn’t really explain anything or add any value.

Ask your business logo design specialist for advice. They usually have lots of experience and may be help you to form a view on your business logo design and strapline.