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10 reasons you need a really great website

By 3 May 2012No Comments

Every business should have a website if they want to compete in today’s market place.  We’re sure we don’t have to tell you that!  It’s where everyone researches products and services and if you’re not there, you can’t be picked!  Here are our top ten reasons why every new business should make having a website a priority.

  1. Your website is your shop window or business card; it’s often the first time visitors have come into contact with you.  It’s where you can effectively put your company’s digital brochure, so that the information about what you do and what you provide is there for everyone to see.  As 81% of consumers in the UK check out products or services on the Internet before making a choice and purchasing, you can’t afford not to be there.
  2. The UK is the leading e-retail economy in Europe worth £68 billion (IMRG).  It’s the new ‘High Street’; if you don’t have a presence you are not giving yourself a chance.  In the UK this marketplace grew by 16% last year and is expected to increase by a further 13% this year (IMRG).  In fact £1 in every £10 is spent online (Telegraph Oct 2011) so a great online presence is a must.
  3. Your website is accessible 24/7 so people can check out your products and services at any time.  Visiting you isn’t dependent on someone being available either in person or at the end of the phone but your website has to be as persuasive as you would be in person.
  4. Consumers use the Internet like a business directory not only to source products and services but also to find contact details.  If you don’t have a website, it is likely that business will go to your competitors.
  5. Your website is where you can communicate with new and old customers.  Make sure it reflects the type of business you are and your approach.  Make it personal so that you really ‘talk’ to them; this will ensure you attract your preferred audience.
  6. A great website is visually appealing to ensure visitors look around.  The easier it is for visitors to find their way around and to find information will ensure they don’t wander off into cyberspace without a backward glance.
  7. You website allows you to communicate with your audience and keep them up-to-date with what you are up to.  Once you have your website you should make sure that something new is added regularly like news items or a blog to keep visitors returning.  A website also allows them to communicate with you too by which ever method you prefer: email or telephone.
  8. A really good website is your most cost-effective marketing tool.  Once you have a website presence you put yourself out there and can use it in any future digital marketing strategy.
  9. Getting your website ranked as high as possible on search engines makes sure Internet visitors find you easily too.  Making the content of your website easy for the search engines to find is called optimisation and is easy for a good copywriter to do.
  10. A website adds credibility to your business as long as its well designed.  So make sure that you get a professionally designed website that tells every visitor who you are as well as what you do, with style.