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Business Start Up AdviceWeb Design

Why you need a copywriting service

By 2 May 2012No Comments

So you’ve got or are thinking about getting a great looking website – sleek, funky and fresh. Fantastic! But the written content of your website is just as important. Ever landed on a good-looking website, only to find a load of jibberish that doesn’t quite tell you what they’re all about? Website design is getting more creative and refined, therefore it’s important that the website copy steps up to the game. It needs to engage your audience, get to the point and generate a response – instantly!

Why website copy is important?

You’ve spent a good portion of your budget and time on selecting the right design agency, perfecting the look, navigation and visual effects. Now you’ve impressed your audience with your super-smart website, it’s important to show that you’ve got the personality to match!

First impressions count

When meeting new clients, you dress appropriately and offer a firm handshake, friendly face and welcoming greeting. Your website should do the same. Visitors want to feel you are talking directly to them and have taken the time to understand their needs. Once you have welcomed visitors to your website, they are more likely to hang about to see what you have to offer.

Engage your audience

Brilliant! You’ve got their attention, now to the tricky part of keeping hold of them. This is where professional copy comes in to play. You can simply describe your business, offer product descriptions and tell them how to get it. OR, you can talk to them on their level; understand their needs and how your products will benefit them. It’s all about the consumers! They want online information to be easy to read, quick and professional – whether it’s your products, services, blog or contact page.

Compelling conversions

Researching your target market is vital for making that connection. Professionally written copy will speak to your audience with the right tone, powerful words and answers to their needs. Creating compelling copy is highly effective in converting visitors to customers.

Increased visibility

Website copywriters understand that writing for the internet is more than just words. It’s a carefully woven art and science. The ‘art’ is in the engaging copy that keeps your visitors reading and getting involved in your business. The ‘science’ ensures the brand is reflected correctly and consistently, features top SEO techniques, is on top of social media trends and is 100% unique. This science ensures your market easily discover your awesome business.

Top website copy

A top website exudes credibility, professionalism and friendliness. An open, honest and mutual relationship is what you and your customer is looking for, so ensure you step up and deliver. Great website design with great website copy builds your online presence, enhances business credibility and increases quality lead generation.

You know your product

We understand that you’re the expert on your business.  But we know just the right questions to ask to make sure we’re up to speed with what you do in no time.  That way we can make sure the words on your website make total sense, and just as important, sound like you and your brand.