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Even if you have the best looking and most informative website in the world, unless it gets visitors it’s of no use to your business at all. That’s why getting ranked as high on the search engine pages as possible is so important.

If you Google ‘tips for SEO’, or Search Engine Optimisation to give the acronym its full title, you will find plenty of advice. Each article you read will differ slightly but most will cover the basics. So you might ask, why are British Design Experts offering SEO tips too?

The reason is simple, we have plenty of experience in website optimisation and have found the following 7 SEO tips the most important for start up businesses trying to get a foot hold on the rankings’ ladders.

1. Find your best keywords …

… or words used by searchers for products/services like yours. Check your keywords using Google’s Keyword tool where you’ll find the most common.

Once chosen and checked, use your keywords in the title of pages and in the copy. Be careful not to use a keyword-stuffing technique i.e. putting too many keywords throughout your copy, or the search engines may think your page has been spammed.

You might say “never mind Google”, but as it is the most used search engine in the UK, you can’t afford to ignore it if you want to get noticed.

2. Optimising every page as if it’s your homepage

Remember that every page of your website should be optimised. It is quite likely that the content of some pages will be more specific and therefore the keywords or search topics will be different. So optimise these with relevant keywords to get visitors to other pages too.

3. Linking

It is good to link from one page to another in your copy as this too takes visitors to other pages and encourages search engines to rank your website higher.

Links to other sites are useful for making sure that search engines realise your site has some authority and authenticity. So make sure that wherever possible you obtain reciprocal links; this way both sites win.

Get into the habit of writing guest blogs for other sites. Within your copy include a link back to your site. This again authenticates your site for search engines.

4. On-going original content

Make your web copy unique and relevant and ensure there is regular new copy on your site i.e. news pages or a blog are easy ways to do this. Search engines think your site is important if there is regular new content and it will help you notch up another rung or so.

5. Social media

Engage on social media i.e. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest. They’re all free and are all optimised! Interact with followers on these sites to get more bona fide links to your site too.

6. The Penguin

Keep on the right side of the Penguin – a recent spam detector introduced by Google. Don’t stuff your copy with keywords and make sure all your SEO is transparent. Definitely don’t engage in any Black Hat SEO.

7. SEO specialists

Let British Design Experts optimise your website and do the work for you. This way the experts make sure you’re well optimised and keep Google happy.

Remember to be patient too. Organic SEO is the best kind but ranking and gathering links to other sites doesn’t happen overnight.