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Logo Design

Logo designed for heartwarming charity

By 31 January 2013No Comments

As we’ve mentioned before we’re always keen to do our bit to help charities out with logo design. When you’re organising a fundraiser you need a logo to help you promote your event, to give to the media for press releases, and to give your event a professional identity. However, at the same time it’s painful to have to dip into donated funds in order to pay for a great logo. That’s why we design free logos for up to five charities a month. And when we were contacted by Tom Ingram with his request for a logo we didn’t hesitate for a second after hearing the heartwarming story of The Karen Ingram ‘Days for Great Children’ Appeal.

The Karen Ingram ‘Days for Great Children’ Appeal story

Thomas Ingram’s mother Karen died from cancer at the age of 39 when he was just 13 years old. Spurred on by the memory of his mother and desperate to do something useful he began organising a huge fundraising event. His father, devastated by the loss of his partner of over 20 years was too grief stricken to help so 13 year old Thomas organised the event singlehandedly. You can read more about the great success of this original event and the many people who Thomas touched with his story here.

Logo design for the karen ingram days for great children appeal


5 years on, and Thomas is still fundraising and has plans to launch his own fully registered charity in honour of his mother. Thomas contacted us, knowing that a professional logo design would help solidify the brand identity of their start-up charity, and he enquired about the prices to get a logo designed. Keen to help and touched by the story we agreed immediately to help and to design the logo for free.

The aims of the charity and their logo design brief

The Karen Ingram Days For Great Children Appeal provides days out and support for children who have lost parents to cancer or life threatening illnesses. They wanted a colourful, creative and professional logo which would stand out and help them to reach more people with their fundraising campaigns. They were keen to integrate children’s drawings and a bright pathway off into the horizon.

Want to find out more?

If you are a registered charity looking for a professional logo design then please send an email to [email protected] telling us a bit about your charity, and what you want from you logo design. To get all the latest updates on our logo designs and news then connect with us on Facebook.