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Getting inspired is key for getting a great logo design. We look for inspiration in all sorts of places ourselves, but it can make a really big difference to the speed and quality of your design if you come into the design process with some inspirational ideas that are perfect for your company to hand.

With this in mind, we’ve gathered together all the places we go to for inspiration from the more-or-less-normal, to the slightly-more-off-the-wall.

alien gets inspired while looking at art

Practical resources for logo design inspiration

There are a number of resources that we use on a regular basis. Many of them are quite standard, but worth using (although they have their limitations).

  • Google image (first port of call, but proceed with caution – often gives irrelevant images)
  • Pinterest (great for abstract inspiration and trendy logo designs – find us on Pinterest here)
  • Logo of the day (does what it says on the tin)
  • Colour lovers (great for trying colour combinations and palettes)
  • Font Squirrel (one of our favourite free font directories)

7 slightly stranger places to look for logo design inspiration

When it comes to getting inspired and getting creative it’s ALWAYS a good idea to think outside the box. The key to a great logo design is stumbling on a concept or idea that perfectly encapsulates who you are as a company, your unique selling point and your personality. To increase your chances of finding it, it’s a good idea to go off the beaten track.


There is a wealth of metaphor, meaning and potent visuals in Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and Celtic mythology (among many others). Pretty much every passion or value imaginable will be conveyed somewhere in mythology.

logo design inspiration (mythology) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration
Books and characters

Legends, motifs and archetypes can provide excellent inspiration as a base concept. And even modern characters can be drawn upon. N.B – make sure you aren’t infringing copyright!

logo design inspiration (books) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration
Personal stories

Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz both have logos created from personal stories. Rolls Royce’s logo design was inspired by the not-so-secret love between the owner of the company at the time and his mistress!

Logo design inspiration (personal) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration

Do your company values tie in with any historical events or characters? From pre-history, through to the modern day there is a wealth of stories to be plundered for inspiration.

Logo design inspiration (history) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration

Different styles and forms of art can be very inspiring and evocative. Impressionism, cubism, pre-raphaelite art – do any of these styles speak to your brand values?

Logo design inspiration (art) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration

By playing around with toys you’ll be engaging the creativity you had as a child, plus it engages the kinaesthetic side of your brain lending a different perspective.

Logo design inspiration (toys) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration
Your children

If you’re really stuck for ideas asking your children might give you more ideas than you think. Children use far more lateral thinking than most adults. You might find it fun (honestly).

Logo design inspiration (children) | 7 slightly strange places to get logo design inspiration

The best place for logo design inspiration = your brain + other brains

Without a doubt the best way to get creative and inspired is to sit down and have a brainstorm with your colleagues. Put an hour aside and discuss what kind of feel you’re going for, and any concepts, metaphors or visuals that might make an effective representation of your values. (And remember that no idea is too crazy at this stage)

Let us inspire you – why don’t you check out our new company logo design portfolio?

Well it is true that all logo designers are natural show-offs, and we can’t pass the chance to point you in the direction of our recently renewed logo design portfolio. You can now sort through our portfolio of company logos by industry which is is something which our clients have found really useful. This is handy because it means you can easily find logos for companies similar to yourself (as opposed to huge brands, or irrelevant industries).